To make Free International calls search keywords as "Free International calls to (Your country) " ex Free International calls to Australia

Free International Calls From Australia, Japan, NZ, & South Africa

Free International Calls From Australia, Japan, NZ, & South Africa to

Free Countries are,

* Australia
* Canada + mobile
* China + mobile
* Hong Kong + mobile
* India + mobile
* Ireland
* Singapore + mobile
* Thailand + mobile
* United Kingdom
* USA + mobile

Free International Calls offered by Mojocall


Free International Calling From Australia to 60 Countries
Dial: 0424 215 122

You must call using your mobile cap minutes. Capacity is limited at peak times. You may need to call the service several times to get through. Optus and Virgin subscribers cannot use our service.

South Africa

Free International Calling From South Africa to 50 Countries
Dial: 0875 10 20 33

Use your mobile minutes to make free international calls to over 50 countries. Choose from our VOIP rate access number, Vodacom access number or Cell C access number.


Free International Calling From Japan to 20 Countries
Dial: 03 4580 0235

Call China, USA, Canada, UK, Thailand and 15 more countries for free. Just dial Tokyo access number and follow the instructions on the prompt

New Zealand

Free International Calling From New Zealand to 60 Countries
Dial: 028 3000 800

You must call using your mobile minutes.

Tags:Free International Calls From Australia,Free International Calls From New Zealand,Free International Calls From japan,Free International Calls From South Africa


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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