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Free Calls to the USA from Local phone

Local phone offering 5days of Free Calling to USA for Thanks giving

How do I make a call with Localphone?
You can make a call from your landline or mobile, from your PC or laptop, or even your iPhone or other VoIP-enabled mobile. See our How To Call guide to decide the best fit for you.

Is this really free? What’s the catch?
There’s no catch. We’re confident you’ll love Localphone and will stick with us after the promotion.

How can I get the most out of this promotion if I’m already in the US?
Your calls within the US will still be free, but why not buy a Localphone Incoming Number in a country where your friends and family live? You can forward calls to your landline or mobile in the US for free during the promotion!

How much will it cost to call after the promotion?
After the promotion calls to the US will return to our standard low rate of just 0.7p/min (less than one UK penny per minute).

Where do I sign up?
Signup Localphone account here
Make Free Calls to the USA from Local phone Enjoy !!

Tags:Free Calls to the USA from Local phone,Free Calls to the USA,Free Calls,Free International Calls,Free Voip Calls

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