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Airtel Call Home Offering cheap Calls to India

Airtel Call Home Offering cheap International Phone Calls to India @ 1cent per minute,

AirtelCallhome has launched India One Product under which offer you need to pay $10.00, which has a rental of $ 4.00, for the remaining balance $ 6 you get the rate of 1 cent / min rate on local access. However, please note that this offer is only applicable for local access that means you can't use any other way to use airtelcallhome like toll-free number which will charge you at @3 cents per minute.

Now although, airtelcallhome claims that they offer 1 cents per minute to india, its not actually 1 cent because we end up paying $4 as rental fees which do not contribute towards any calling minutes. That means you only get $6 for calling India which gives you 600 calling minutes to India.

Tags:Airtel Call Home Offering cheap Calls to India,Airtel Call Home,Cheap Calls to India,Cheap international Calls to India,Cheap Voip Calls,Airtel Call Home Offering cheap Calls

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