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Free Mobile VOIP calls 30 minutes trial Phone calls

Free Mobile VOIP calls 30 minutes trial Phone calls

In the long list of free calls services from all over the world lets see Vopium who is giving away 30 minutes of free calls as trial for its new registrants. As today's world have mobile in their hand, this service also provides free mobile calls. Below you will see three methods of making free mobile calls with this service. You can say this as mobile voip at its best.

You can also make free mobile to mobile calls absolutely free with this service if you have WiFi enabled mobile device. There is no local charges, no roaming charges and you can call back anywhere in this world. For this you just have to just download or upgrade Vopium software on your mobile device or PC.

How It Works:

Vopium detects automatically when you are connected to WiFi through internet and transfers your calls on Wifi. Vopium transfers your international calls and calls to national fixed line numbers via Vopium Wifi. For Domestic or National mobiles, they are routed via your mobile operator.

You can call your friends in Vopium group always free whenever they are online.

How to Get Vopium:

Just download it free from the site or upgrade it if you have older version. Also get registered to use this service. Vopium works on WiFi enabled handsets supporting Symbian mobile software and Windows Mobile. Windows mobile users should first download Vopium and then Vopium Wifi.

Tags:Voip calls,Mobile Voip calls,Windows mobile Voip calls,Free calls,Free internationnal free calls,Free phone calls,Free wifi calls,Pc to phone,Wifi phone calls


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