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Free international calls from your phone

Ether is actually a paid to talk service, where experts can charge people to talk to them. Like for example, I can setup a account

1. I register with Ether with my phone no
2. Ether converting my phone no to 1-888-MY-ETHER
3. If some one call you by using (1-888-MY-ETHER) this No
4. You will earn money ,Whenever your Dialler press the *# key after (1-888-MY-ETHER)

So You can ask your friend to Dial the No only "Dot press any other key"
So your friend will not charged and you will not earn money for the call
So you can speak free international call as long as you want,Enjoy

Supported countries :
With Ether, you can take calls from many countries around the world, including Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, India, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Netherlands, Netherlands Antilles, Sweden, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates and United Kingdom.

If you want signup

1) Go to Ether and register.
2) Add a phone number
3) While you add a number, rememeber to chose the option,
Allow customers to start the call for free. The rate below will begin when you press *.
Now this is the hack. Remember this.
4) Now Ether will assign you a extension number like 1-888-MY-ETHER ext. 02703XXX.
5) If someone wants to talk to you, give them this number, 1-888-MY-ETHER (1-888-69-38437) and ask them to enter your extension at the prompt.
6) your call will be connected but remember dont press *, coz that will trigger the billing :-)

Please write your comments about free international calls


  1. it is not working... asking again agin for pressing * key....n u said not to press * key

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