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FREE International Calls to Any Phone from Google Talk Messenger using Talkster

FREE International Calls to Any Phone from Google Talk Messenger using Talkster

Google Talk users can now make free international phone calls!

  • Always Free

  • No Credit Cards

  • No Registration

  • No Conditions

  • Unlimited

  • No Sign-up

  • Call to any phone, landline or mobile

  • More than 30 countries supported

Clickhere to know about this feature

The partnership between Talkster and GTalk2VoIp allows callers from any country in the world to leverage Google Talk to make free calls to or from anywhere else in the world. Now, if the country you are calling to or from is not included in Talkster’s network of more than 30 countries worldwide, you can simply use Google Talk to call the Talkster number provided to make your portion of the call completely free.

You can read the user manual at


  1. India Not Included So Asd

  2. I am waiting for India

  3. Its not working in most of teh countries.
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